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Saturday, May 18, 2024

US Rep. Richard McCormick

Recent News About US Rep. Richard McCormick

  • McCormick leads bipartisan challenge to Biden over Israel arms delay

    Representative Rich McCormick (GA-06) is leading a bipartisan group of 104 House members in challenging President Joe Biden over his delay in sending munitions and weapons shipments to Israel.

  • Rep. McCormick’s Aviation Weather Improvement Act Passes the House

    Rep. McCormick’s Aviation Weather Improvement Act Passes the HouseWASHINGTON - Tuesday, Congressman Rich McCormick’s legislation, H.R. 3915, the Aviation Weather Improvement Act, passed on the House floor as part of a larger legislative package, H.R. 6093, the Weather Act Reauthorization Act, and now will be headed over to the Senate for a final vote before it gets signed into law. The Aviation Weather Improvement Act instructs the National Weather Service to purchase commercial weather data to improve their public weather models while ensuring that our government provides...

  • My Statement on President Biden's State of the Union Address

    WASHINGTON - Congressman McCormick has issued a strong statement in response to President Biden's recent State of the Union address, highlighting the need for new leadership in the White House. The Congressman emphasized the pressing issues facing the nation, including the border crisis, foreign policy challenges, and economic struggles.In his statement, Congressman McCormick expressed the urgency of addressing issues that unite the country, such as bringing the American Dream back within reach, securing the border, combating crime, tackling the national debt, promoting...

  • Congressional Art Competition Calls for High School Artists Nationwide

    High school students across the nation are once again invited to showcase their artistic talents as the Congressional Art Competition kicks off for another year. The annual event allows students to submit their artwork to their Member of Congress for a chance to have their piece displayed in the United States Capitol.Since its inception in 1982, the Congressional Art Competition has served as a platform for over 650,000 high school students to express their creativity. The selected artwork from each district garners attention from millions of visitors who tour the...

  • Congressman Rich McCormick Introduces Legislation to Prohibit Federal Funds from Being Used for Gender Transition Procedures on Minors

    WASHINGTON - Congressman Rich McCormick, along with 43 cosponsors, has introduced the Protecting Resources Of Taxpayers to Eliminate Childhood Transgender Surgeries (PROTECTS) Act, aimed at prohibiting federal funds from being used for gender transition procedures on minors.McCormick, a physician and father, emphasized the importance of protecting children by ensuring that taxpayer money is not used to fund what he considers dangerous medical procedures. He highlighted that these procedures not only raise ethical concerns but also have long-term negative effects on the...

  • House of Representatives Expresses Support for Democracy and Human Rights in Pakistan

    The House of Representatives has shown its support for democracy and human rights in Pakistan through a resolution filed by Congressman Rich McCormick and Congressman Dan Kildee. In a statement released on November 29, 2023, Congressman McCormick emphasized the importance of Pakistan's commitment to human rights and democracy, stating, "Pakistan's commitment to human rights and democracy is integral not only for its own people but also for its role as a valued partner on the global stage."Congressman Kildee echoed these sentiments, expressing his support for the people of...